Since, perhaps forever, I had always ‘known’ that the English word salary was derived from the Latin salarium , to the time when Roman soldiers were paid in salt for their service. Salt was a highly-prized and sought-after commodity due to its ability to preserve food and was, in part, also responsible for the development of civilization. However, my world turned upside down, when I read the following extract in a blog Here’s the simplest form of the myth. The word ‘salary’ comes from the Latin word for salt because the Roman Legions were sometimes paid in salt. – Wikipedia , ‘History of salt’ Pure fantasy. There isn’t the tiniest scrap of evidence to suggest this. At all, to any extent, ever . Peter Gainsford, the academician and author of the blog, Kiwi Hellenist , adds ‘Roman soldiers were paid in salt’ may be the simplest form of the myth, but it’s also a secondary form. […] that seems to indicate that people first started writing about the idea around the 1860s ( here , for exam...