What is the etymology and literal meaning of 'Cock a snoot/snook'?
I've been using this expression all my adult life but have no idea what it means or where it originates.
Google searches lead me to the description of it being to do with putting your thumb on nose and wiggling four fingers. This is not an entirely satisfying conclusion to my quest. Can anyone elaborate?
From the Phrase Finder:
The general understanding of what's meant by 'cock a snook' is the spread hand with thumb on the nose, preferably with crossed eyes, waggling fingers and any other annoying gesticulation that comes to mind at the time. It's what the Americans call 'the five-fingered salute'.
So, it looks like this:
Hope that image helped you visualize, as well as the description 'crossed eyes, waggling fingers...". Very satisfying! jks.
The origin of "snook", is the word "snook"! "Snook" means:
a gesture of defiance, disrespect, or derision.
"Cock" here means to lift up, as in lift up your hand, or "cock your rifle".
So, its origin just comes from saying "Lift up a snook"
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