vocabulary - Is there a single word for "one who speaks/boasts a lot about everything"?
I'm looking for a single word to most aptly describe a person possessing the following "qualities":
- Appears to be superior in every technology/skill under the sun, which he deems worthy of knowing
- On being questioned/assigned the task, is found to have only superficial/no knowledge of the said skill.
- Inherent tendency to "one-up" anyone and everyone - example: "I didn't work hard at all in my undergrad days, but yet I have better/equal grades than you have! "
Could someone help?
Edit: I've got some very good responses, but despite popular opinion for "braggart", I'm going with "pretentious" as it suits what I was looking for more aptly IMHO.
I think you may want pretentious.
Not a single word, but my favourite expression for this sort of person is all hat and no cattle.
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