meaning - What does lawyering mean apart from its official definition
The dictionaries define it as "practising law", which is not the case in these examples. I guess its an up-and-coming "new" word which is instantly familiar. What does it mean? Language issues. Combine English as a very second language + spec-lawyering + late-night meetings, and you have an ongoing headache. and How should I handle an 8 year old lawyering and quibbling? Answer An important part of a professional lawyer's job is looking for inconsistencies and loopholes. This may be preemptive , such as determining the exact wording of a contract, or it may be reactive ("You didn't actually say that it was required."). In the context of practicing law, this is both expected and laudable. Well, mostly laudable. See the case of Dickens' Jarndyce v Jarndyce , which serves as a classic literary example of the process run amok. Outside of the law, however, the same process can produce endless disc...