meaning - What does a single letter "J" mean in emailing?
Today is Halloween. After a successful party, many conversations have been going on in my company's email box.
The end of one email said "Till next time J". I had no idea what "J" meant in this sentence and thought it could be a typo. Then I opened another email which read "Thanks to Diana for all her hard work J".
I figure the letter "J" must mean something here, but I'm not sure whether it only makes sense within my company or if it has a universally accepted meaning.
It is a smiley:☺.
What does "J" mean in e-mail messages?
Answer: If you've ever received an e-mail with a mysterious "J" in the body of the message, you may have been perplexed by its meaning. Some messages have a single J, while others have several. Most J's appear at the end of sentences, but they can appear anywhere in the message So what does this enigmatic character mean and why does it show up in e-mail messages?
The J is actually supposed to be a smiley face.
If you have Wingdings installed on your computer, the following character will appear as a smiley face. Otherwise, it will be the letter "J": J
This is because the letter J represents a smiley face icon in the Wingdings font. Microsoft Outlook, a popular e-mail client, automatically converts the :) and :-) text emoticons into smiley face icons using the Wingdings font. Therefore, when Microsoft Outlook users type smiley faces in an e-mail message, they are sent as visual smiley face icons.
Take a look at this The Old New Thing blog post: if you try to copy the first little smiley, and then paste it somewhere else, the result is a J.
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