orthography - Does one capitalize "communism" and "communist"?
Suppose I have the following sentence:
I lived in a communist country during the fall of communism in 1989.
Should "communist" and "communism" be capitalized?
The correct capitalization for that sentence is:
I lived in a communist country during the Fall of Communism in 1989.
(You may want to keep "fall" in lower case.)
A proper noun should be capitalized, as it is a unique entity. A common noun represents a class of entities or non-unique instances of that class, according to the English SE tag for proper nouns. Applying that definition, "a communist country" is an example of a common noun. It should not be capitalized.
The other occurrence of communism in the sentence is a specific instance. (I presume that it refers to the former Soviet Union? Or another nation, doesn't really matter which one). It is unique by virtue of the fact that it was "of 1989". That is why the second occurrence of communism in your sentence should be capitalized.
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