sentence - Active to Passive voice: "Go to School Now"
How would you convert the imperative sentence: "Go to school now."
to the passive voice?
While discussing it in class, our teacher gave the following solution:
"You are ordered to go to school now."
However, I felt that this must be wrong, since the sentence is still in the active voice. It seems to be in the passive voice with reference to the verb 'order', but we need to convert the sentence with respect to the verb 'go'.
I thought of a solution:
"Let you be gone to school now."
"Be gone to school now."
Are any of them correct? And if not, how would you convert the sentence into passive voice?
Just realised that 'go' is an intratransitive verb. Does that mean that there won't be a passive version of it? As mentioned here:
You CAN'T. You can only turn into passive verbs those verbs who can have the "direct object".
For example:
I eat (what do you eat?) an apple
I see (what do you see?) a bird
I read (what do you read?) a poemBut if you say : I go, you can't ask "what do you go", because it doesn't make any sense! And that's why you can't write that in passive voice.
Edit II:
How about "Let the school be gone to by you."?
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