What's the Word for a Token Job?
What is the word used to describe a job given to a person just to give him/her the status of being in employment? The role does not effectively fulfil a purpose other than status and prestige. I read this word in an article months ago and have not been able to find it. I am referring to an adjective, not nepotism or tokenism, and the concept is more general.
Example sentence:
Jim has a |word| job, it was given to him just to give him status and prestige.
A Sinecure is a "cushy" job that is usually given as a reward. It literally means "without care" and is a job without the cares of actual results. It is typically given for reasons of status, prestige, or patronage.
As an adjective, the word "titular" would be sufficient, implying that the job is one in title only. E.g. The titular Crown Steward and Baliff of the Chiltern Hundreds did such and such.
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