single word requests - How to say succinctly: "An opinion which is ‘shareable’ and agreed upon by many"?
How would you express the notion: ‘overall many would share that opinion’, more succinctly? For example:
- It is generally agreed upon that "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day".
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day is something which many agree (including myself) with
- Many would agree (myself included) with X's assertion
- X's opinion is generally agreed upon
- The decision to X is agreed and shared by most
I ask because recently I had to stop myself from saying:
"I didn't take that action, although condivisible".
I stopped short in my tracks and realized I was anglicizing the Italian expression condivisibile which means shareable or any of the expressions which I placed in bold type. If I had to rephrase that last sentence to reflect accurately the meaning of condivisibile I would have to say:
- I didn't personally take that action, although it is one which I [and many] would agree with.
Agreeable would have been perfect but it doesn't fit because its primary meaning is enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant. It is especially inappropriate if the action or decision taken by another is a form of punishment. For example, someone being fined heavily for parking on a pavement/sidewalk despite there being no more parking spaces available (In principle, everyone agrees that parking on sidewalks should be illegal.)
Perhaps the best example is this last one:
He got fined heavily for parking on the sidewalk, although ___________ [I agree/we are all in agreement with the decision to fine him], perhaps the council ought to think about providing more parking spaces.
So, is there a single-word, an adjective or shorter phrase to express this concept?
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