vocabulary - What is a word for a man who has a lot of sexual relationships?

What do you call a man who loves and tries to have many sexual relationships with girls and usually doesn't fall in love with any of them?

To clear what I'm looking for, Suppose a guy at work/university who tries to have sexual relationship with many girls and changes his choice continually one after another!


I suggest Lothario defined by Wikipedia defined by as an unscrupulous seducer of women.

It's from the name of such a character in Nicholas Rowe's 1703 tragedy The Fair Penitent

dictionary.com adds the definitions rake, libertine and synonyms Romeo, Don Juan, Casanova.

The Office Romeo is a well-worn term, but I don't often hear Romeo on its own.

To my ear, Don Juan and Casanova have become rather quaint 'literary' clichés much overused by the mass-media, but somehow Lothario still seems to have a certain freshness. Maybe using it gives the impression you're well-read, rather than getting all your words from popular tv dramas.


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