meaning - Does the term 'heroine' retain its legitimacy in a world of gender equality?
Though heroine is a legitimate word with an adequate pedigree,
Heroine (n.)
1650s, from Latin heroine, heroina (plural heroinae) "a female hero, a demigoddess" (such as Medea), from Greek heroine, fem. of heros (see hero (n.1)). As "principal female character" in a drama or poem, from 1715.
the term hero originally applied to both male and female progeny resulting from the conjugal union of an immortal and a mortal. Such offspring were considered demigods, and their cult was one of the most distinctive features of ancient Greek religion.
In time, hero and heroine would come to refer to mere mortals who, in the face of danger and adversity, or from a position of weakness, displayed great courage and the willingness to sacrifice themselves for the greater good of humanity. This later definition, while originally referring to martial courage or excellence, also evolved, and was eventually extended to moral excellence in general.
My question, then, is this:
Given the fact that hero originally referred to 1) phylogenetic status (demigod-ness), and then 2) to personal characteristics (courage, bravery, self-sacrifice, etc.) without reference to gender (which had no bearing whatsoever), in this modern world of enlightened sensibilities, especially with respect to issues of gender equality (I’m getting to it!), should we continue to make a gender distinction between persons who possess heroic qualities? Does such a distinction retain any legitimacy?
(I’d like to include a “shout-out” to medica for supplying me with this, my first EL&U question.)
A "world of gender equality" is more of a fictional concept than what we actually live in. Even in the most ideal circumstances, women are not usually treated as well as men. The fight for equality continues, and the use of gender-neutral language is one of the tools in that fight.
This Government of Canada link gives some examples on what kinds of things to write and not to write, if you want to write in a gender-neutral way. It is a fairly conservative document, even recommending against the use of singular they, but overall the advice is intended to avoid sexism in writing. One of its recommendations is to avoid feminine words when the unmarked word serves as well - for example it says to use actor instead of actress. It doesn't specifically address heroine but would probably suggest using hero instead. There are other style guides that would agree, while style guides that do not care about, or disparage gender-neutral writing would disagree.
If your intention is to write in a way that abolishes sexist language, then you shouldn't use the word heroine. However, if your text wishes to call out the fact that this hero is female, then the word might serve you well in that regard.
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