phrase requests - Alternative colloquialism for "Best of both worlds"?
I'm looking for a phrase that means the same thing as "best of both worlds", except isn't so overused.
I'm looking for the semantics to remain intact; for example, "Awesome!!" would not be an acceptable substitute. I'm describing a thing, which I claim will solve two discrete problems. I'd like to be able to say something like "Not only does this solve X, but it also solves Y. It truly is the best of both worlds"
Any ideas are appreciated.
An obvious one which occurs to me is a win-win game or win-win situation, both of which indicate a non-zero-sum game. The term non-zero-sum game can apply to situations where both sides win or both sides lose, but is typically taken to be positive. For instance:
"I'm not paying you unless you deliver on time."
"You know, with your help, we could deliver on time and make it even better too. It's not a zero-sum game."
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