greetings - What to reply to a person saying "Good Morning" when my time zone is different?

When I'm talking to a person in opposite time zone and the person greets with "Good morning" or Good evening/afternoon as per his time, is it ok to reply "Good afternoon" (as per my time-zone) when he said "Good Morning", and similarly replying as per my time zone, at other times?


The person saying the greeting is wishing something good for the other.

So if it's morning where you are, I should wish you a "good morning", regardless of my local timezone.

Likewise, if it's afternoon where I am, you should wish me a "good afternoon", regardless of your local timezone.

However, if they're already greeted you but used the wrong part of day, it doesn't really matter, the intention is the same. I would still reply with the appropriate greeting for their local timezone.


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