slang - Meaning of "sup my homeslice? harvard jv field hockey is da bomb..."

I completely don't understand what this star's line means, even though the words are simple.

sup my homeslice? harvard jv field hockey is da bomb...

What's homeslice?
What does da mean?


  1. Sup: Actually 'sup? abbreviation of "What is up?"; "What is happening?"

  2. homeslice: friend; variant of "homes", "homey", "homebrother", originally implying someone from your neighborhood "home", but now simply slang for "buddy."

  3. da bomb: 'da' = 'the' so 'the bomb'; something really good.

  4. jv: Junior Varsity, the team below Varsity, usually composed of anyone who wants to play rather than players selected by the coach for performance.

So my translation would be:

What is happening, friend? Harvard Junior Varsity field hockey is really good.


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