word choice - Term for puns in graphics - "Can"cer be beaten

Is there a name for this construction or wordplay?

enter image description here

It can be both:

  • Cancer be beaten

  • Cancer can be beaten ("Can" in "Cancer" is emphasized for the purpose)

It can be called a wordplay or a pun but I thought there might be a specific name for it. In this example, it is a phrase within a phrase because there is a word within a word.

I checked this Wikipedia article but nothing seems to fit:


I've found the term typographic pun. It is mentioned as a kind of connotative typograhic treatment in the book Street-Smart Advertising: How to Win the Battle of the Buzz (by Margo Berman). The book says that when connotative type works as part of the concept (main message), it contributes to the overall idea of the promotional material. It is the combining of the verbal and visual message into one total expression.

Here is the relevant excerpt from the book:

enter image description here


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