technology - Collective term for data sizes (bytes, kilobytes, megabytes etc.)

As you will probably work out from my profile, I'm a software developer. This is sort of a software development question, but I think this is more suited to English language too.

Feel free to migrate if you think the question does not belong here.

Say I want to refer to the data size, or capacity of something:

  • A floppy disk can hold 1.44 megabytes of data.

  • My flash drive can hold 16 gigabytes of data.

  • My internet connection can operate at a maximum of 50 gigabits per second

  • I have just managed to compress a file from 1 megabyte to just 200 kilobytes.

How do I collectively refer to these units of data size/capacity?


The capacity of a floppy disk is 1.44 megabytes.

The capacity of my flash drive is 16 gigabytes.

The throughput capacity of my internet connection is 50 gigabits per second.

(I would not change your fourth sentence.)


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