epithet requests - What's the word for someone who always likes being different?

...particularly with respect to the use of technology, taste in music, movies etc.

I have seen my share of people like this who like to go "alternative" just to set themselves apart and I would like to know if there's a word for them? I wouldn't mind a casual/Internet-born word either. Just need a term I can label them with in my book. :)


EDIT: I am looking for a word that's disapproving in nature. :)

EDIT 2: I am actually looking for a term that signifies "fake" in more particular terms with this scenario. Think about the people that only use Linux, only listen to Death Metal, only watch cult movies with the sole motive of being NOT mainstream. I am sorry that I didn't made myself clear enough.


Maverick is the obvious choice, but since you want a derogatory connotation, how about

  • wannabe-maverick, faux-maverick, pseudo-maverick, quasi-maverick, mom-can-i-be-a-maverick, maverick-in-vogue, fashionable maverick, trendy maverick, hipster maverick?

Oxymorons are always good for that — they can connote stupidity, and there's your derogatory sense.

It's not a word, but one funny saying comes to mind:

  • That no one understands you doesn't make you an artist.


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